Friday, February 06, 2009

2.6- starbucks

"I am really beginning to open myself up to love"

A death metal dude wearing a t-shirt that said "Follow me into hell" showing his inner emo side...wussy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the man that was standing in front of me at the check-in counter at the San Jose Airport. He was wearing a utilikilt ( and a family t-shirt much like you would expect to see on a Scottish version of the Price is Right. He turned to the man next to him and said "For some reason I just can't find the right woman." It took quite a bit not to laugh out loud at him, but as he had six inches on me, was crazy enough to wear a skirt, and we hadn't been through the security checkpoint, I kept it to myself.


8:48 PM  
Blogger Brady said...

hysterical. I'll post this next week

9:40 AM  

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