Friday, February 03, 2006

2.3 The Haircut

Are you starting a boy band? -not the encouraging reaction I was hoping for, but I quickly found out that it was just the beginning of this trend.

You are now totally Metro -this is not going well at all

You were the only man I liked with long hair. - quite a complement from this lady

Did you get your nails done too -continuing the Metro theme

You look more Anglo now. -I have no idea what ethnicity I was favoring before

You look 10 years younger -I either look 17 or I used to look almost 40

Did you get your hair cut- More times than I can count. I must remember to never say this statement again.

I’ll have to get used to it- not as encouraging a statement as she was hoping for

You got your hair cut -a statement that confuses me. Either they don't like it and are waiting for me to give an indication on to how I feel so they can feel the same way, or they need to make outragiously obvious statements.

Did you discuss this with your wife- I guess hoping she would have talked me out of it?

".............." -by a staff member who walked right by me not recognizing me

What made you do it -I should have anticipated this question and come up with a more interesting answer

Did you loose a bet? -obviously the only respectible reason someone would do this

At least you donated your hair -I always appreciate someone looking for the positive side of things

You look nice now -"now" being the operative word

Your hair had lost its pizzaz -I wanted to end on an encouraging note

-all said to me sometime throughout the day that I got my hair cut more than 10".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHUT UP!!!! WHOA!!!!

10:28 AM  
Blogger Brady said...

thanks for the encouragement and dramatic expressions of love.

I am still "dealing" with how to respond to the statement..."you got a hair cut". What do you say to that?

its killing me :)

11:07 AM  
Blogger Anonymous Nerd said...

What about....guess it's time to start that mission support fundraising.

7:33 PM  

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