Tuesday, April 04, 2006

4.4- prom

"your mom is a sea-fish"

-a response to an RA telling their friend that they were being very facetious, unfortunately it also out’ed them as not having an 800 on the verbal section of the SAT.


Blogger Marcelina said...

haha...this is the most funny thing I;ve come across! I found ya'll's blog while at Nicole's. Is it okay that I added a link to the "farm quote" on my page? I just started a new blog on blogger after closing my last one down a couple of months ago. Anyways, here is a quote for you:

"'Ya'll' is plural. 'All of ya'll' is an overflow of people." -Dr. Slottow, music theory professor during counterpoint class discussion on the uses of "Ya'll".

11:51 AM  
Blogger Brady said...


look for your quote in the next couple of days...it is a good one

12:02 PM  

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