Sunday, September 10, 2006

9.11- hair cut

"a tip on stripping ...(very long pause)...use baking soda"

-Amber's hairdresser as I walked into his salon booth.
When I caught my breath after hearing amber getting "tips" from her hairdresser, I realized that he was talking about removing hair coloring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say...I thoroughly enjoy the quote farm. I want to thank you "quote farmer" for your time, you work 40 hours a week for a living just to send it on down the line.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Brady said...

glad you are diggin' it.
it is one of the small joys.


weebosox, the second of two very rare forms of weavel. They are oft mispronounced with the "v" as a "b". The weebosox is the lesser of the two weavels.
-I give it an "a" for the fun weavel game and the lovely blue color

1:32 PM  

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