I am a quote farmer, and my hobby has become to collect quotes from all the awesome people I am around.
I have transcribed them here.
PS. submissions are greatly appriciated in the comments section
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
4.25- Glen Rose High School
“Señora Daskam, are you florescent in Italian?”
-a student of Señora Daskam in a moment of dearly missing the early 90's, asking how well she would fit in while in Italy.
thanks to Sra. Daskam for passing this along love, la finca de la cita
Another one for cinco de mayo, I had a funny one while subbing in a second grade class. One girl was speaking gibberish and another kid said "I didn't know that black people could speak Spanish."
I just got my Master's degree in Linguistics and hope to teach English overseas. All around us are people who say the most amazing things, and it is my mandate to collect them and share them here.
Hey Brady,
Thought I would pass along this gem I heard about today.
"I know Cinco de Mayo was a great general, but what did he really do?"
Another one for cinco de mayo, I had a funny one while subbing in a second grade class. One girl was speaking gibberish and another kid said "I didn't know that black people could speak Spanish."
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